Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stressing out on Stress...

"Stop the world…I want to get off." The familiar quote from Anthony Newly comes to mind way too often these days. There are so many things going on in the world that is it is hard to figure out sometimes which way is up.

With economic news changing daily, default concerns in Greece and Italy, earthquakes in Turkey and Japan, poverty rates going up in the United States, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan…the list goes on and on. Add to the many things swirling around in the world out there our own personal  crises. It seems sometimes that stopping the world would be a good thing to do.

So what to do when everything seems to be spinning out of control around you? Well for me, when things get stressful and seemingly out of control, creating "sacred space" becomes extremely important. Often in the gospels Jesus "retreats to a quiet place" to escape the demands of his day to day ministry. We are not so much different. If the Son of God needed time away we doubly need time to ourselves.

So a few suggestions on finding or creating your "sacred space".

1. Find a spiritual practice. One of the things that I have done and continue to do is end the day with washing the dishes. I know that that doesn't sound exactly spiritual but trust me it is. Having that quiet time at the end of the day to let my mind go blank and wash the stress of the day way is simply spiritual. It is a time that I can focus on letting go and opening my mind to God's presence. My point is that whether it's washing the dishes or finding a quiet place to meditate, create space in your day to simply be; to commune with your soul and with God.

2. Create something with an end. I have found that doing some activity or project that allows me to see its completion takes me away for a time from stress.  It forces me to focus on one thing and see it to the end. Think of Paul writing all those letters to the baby churches throughout Christendom. Paul knew that the possibility of persecution was around every corner and that he would never see the fruits from the seeds of faith he had planted. How different are we from Paul in our need to see something to its end?

3. Find out what helps you de-stress. When I find myself stressed my house miraculously becomes spotless. Cleaning seems to be a great way for me to let things flow. But find something that allows you to release to God those things over which you have no control.

4. Pray. Need I say more? 

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7 

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