Monday, October 17, 2011

IMAGINE: Mission

By Jenny Ritter

IMAGINE: Mission

Good Morning. My name is Jenny Ritter, and I am your Parish Coordinator, and Co-Director of Christian Education and Formation. I was asked by the Stewardship Team, to spend some time reflecting on the M in imagine… “Mission”, and then share my thoughts with you.

Where do I begin? The word “mission” can lead you in many different directions. What we “Do” on our own and what we “Do” as a whole… as the members of St. Paul’s.

Everyone has a “Mission”; we are all called into the “Mission” of God in particular ways.

What area in the community do you feel called to serve?

Feeding the hungry? Do you help with the Fish & Loaves program, or with Gleaners?

Are you called to prayer? Are you a member of the DOK or Prayer Chain?

What about the Homeless and forgotten? Have you volunteered with the R.E.A.C.H. program?
Do you “Sing out you Soul” in the Choir, teach Sunday school, or lend you neighbor or stranger a helping hand?

Were you a LACASA angel, helping women and children in need? Or are you called to bring the Good News of Christ to the Lonely, Sick, and the Poor?

Have you taken communion to the sick and shut-in? Set the Altar, worked at a Boutique, English Tea, or Art fair to help those in need?

Served on the Vestry, participated in Service and Outreach projects, Search Committees, or Strategic Planning? As we work towards the future together.

Shoveled the snow, painted, swept, planted a garden, donated money to help with Building and Grounds or hosted a “Coffee Hour”? So that St. Paul’s would be a place of welcome, and hospitality, to all who walk through our doors.

St. Paul’s is a Parish that has continued to serve not only its members but the community that surrounds us, and then some.

The good news for us is that we are not alone in this “Mission”. We have the Holy Spirit guiding us, comforting us, empowering us.

And we have each other, and the Church, and together, participating, resourcing, networking, and supporting each other, we can continue to live into the “Mission” of the church.

Jesus tells the eleven disciples in the “Great Commission” in Matthew 28, to “Go” – go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

I am with you always…

The people of St. Paul’s have been answering this call for over 130years.

“Joyfully growing, giving, and serving in all ways in Christ.”

As we continue to grow Spiritually, and in community, let us remember not only our personal "Missions”, but how we as a member of the Household of God, can continue to serve in all ways, and to never be afraid, for God is with us Always.

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