Monday, July 18, 2011

Internetting God....

This past week the internet went out at our offices. For almost three days we had no connection to the world wide web or anything that goes with being online. This was not a week to be internet-less; three services, a major wedding, multiple meetings and messy church, not to mention getting our regular office work done. Needless to say it was a frantic week.

But being without the internet, a setback though it was, was a much needed deep breath in an otherwise busy-making summer schedule. I found myself outside watering the plants, catching up on some much needed reading and getting around to making a parish video that I have been putting off for a while (that video can be viewed here). Looking back at those three days of not being "connected" I think I was even more connected, connected to my immediate surroundings and the things that have been left to temporary neglect.

I don't want to say or suggest that God caused our internet to go out, God has more important things to do than fry our router, but it was a God given opportunity to realize that sometimes the things most important are not always out there somewhere but right in front of your face.

In reflecting on this past week I thought of the many times in the Bible that God had to get the attention of someone called to ministry. God often has to get our attention and it is not usually with lightening or burning bushes but in simple, subtle ways.

How many subtle nudges from God do we miss in our drive to be productive? In the age of smart phones, ipads and wireless everything how difficult would it be for us to disconnect from these devices and listen for the voice of God? At the risk of being accused of being anti-technology I suggest a time to "disconnected".

With luck, my goal is to take Thursday afternoons as my "technology blackout". To take time to turn off the computer, put away my phone and to listen to where God is calling.

I invite you to take some time to let the technology rest. You may find yourself surprised.

‘Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10

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